Review: Insatiable by Shary Hauer

Shary Hauer’s memoir, Insatiable, is about a love-addict that really needs to love herself. Rating: 3/5

*This is book #12/35 for my 2015 book challenge. You can take a look at the reading challenge here.

insatiable by shary hauer book cover

In her professional life, Shary Hauer was a confident, successful, high-caliber executive coach who advised big-time corporate leaders around the globe—but her personal life was an entirely different matter. When it came to love, she was insecure, clingy, desperate, willing to do anything and everything to win and keep a man. Because without a man by her side, what good was she?

In Insatiable, Hauer fearlessly chronicles her emotional journey from despair to hope, rejection to redemption, and self-hate to self-love, one man at a time. In candid detail, she relates what it is like to be trapped in the torturous cycle of love addiction—what it’s like to be forever searching, needing, obsessing, scheming, and agonizing for love, suffering from a hunger that never ceases—and what it takes to break free of that cycle.

I love memoirs. Every human on this planet – past, present, and future – has their own unique story. Everyone has issues and problems of varying degrees throughout their life and I love learning as many people’s stories as I can. I had never heard of love addiction before reading Shary Hauer’s memoir, Insatiable. I feel like I’m a pretty open-minded person, but when I heard the term “love addict” I remember rolling my eyes and thinking yeah, sure. Why is it that we are so quick to account for sex addiction but not love addiction? Insatiable was really interesting and educational, especially for a memoir.

Rating this one was difficult. Shary is undeniably a fantastic writer. But there were far too many repetitive moments for me. There were many times when I felt like okay, yeah. I get it Shary. This feels more like a story meant for people with a love addiction than it does to anyone that is casually curious. I’ve never felt a dependency towards a significant other. I’ve never felt like a fixer, I’ve never been obsessive of boys or relationships. It’s just not in my personality, and so I had many moments where I just wanted to shake her, because I couldn’t understand or relate to that kind of mentality.

Insatiable is a quick and enjoyable read. I would definitely read another of Shary’s books, so long as it wasn’t about love addiction. I think I’ve had my fill of that 😉

Rating3 star book review

If you’re interested in reading my GoodReads updates from this book you can do so here. I must say, they’re quite entertaining. It will tell you exactly what I was thinking on certain pages.

PLEASE NOTE: I received a free copy of this book from Book Sparks in exchange for an honest review. All opinions held within this review are my own thoughts and feelings and do not reflect upon anyone else.

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