How to Find Your Aesthetic in Your Small Business

When you start running a small business, one of the most delightful and crucial aspects is discovering your unique aesthetic. Here are some great tips for you to find your own.

Image Source: Pexels

If you look on IG and TikTok, you’ll find plenty of small businesses showing off their incredible aesthetics, and it probably makes you wish you’d get luckier with your business, right? After all, an aesthetic is one of the biggest parts of a business. 

But you also really need to keep in mind that this isn’t just about picking colors or fonts—it’s about finding a visual and emotional language that speaks to you, reflects your passion, and resonates with your audience. Your aesthetic is a core part of your brand identity, and it should make you feel comfortable and confident in your business while attracting your ideal customers. But how do you discover this? What do you need to do? Well, here’s what you need to know!

You Have to Discover Your Unique Style First

In all honesty, finding your aesthetic starts with a bit of soul-searching. So, you’ll need to ask yourself what inspires you. What colors, textures, and designs make you feel happy and energized? What gives you that big splash of dopamine? 

Overall, your personal preferences are a great starting point because they ensure authenticity. Browse through Pinterest and Instagram and design blogs to gather inspiration and see what consistently catches your eye. But on top of that, it might even be a good idea if you went ahead and created a mood board to visualize your ideas and see how they come together.

Your Aesthetic Needs to Align with Your Overall Brand

While your personal style is important, it’s also essential to consider your brand’s mission and values. Who is your target audience? What do they care about? Your aesthetic should align with these aspects to create a meaningful connection. For some this might be super easy, and for others, this might be something that’s a little more challenging. 

But here’s an example: if you’re targeting eco-conscious consumers, a natural, earthy palette with sustainable materials can communicate your commitment to the environment. If your brand is vibrant and youthful, bold colors and playful designs might be more appropriate. This isn’t just about your social media marketing and content either. But you also need to think about other aspects of your business. For example, when it comes to your product packaging and the overall unboxing experience, you should think about aesthetics, too.

 For example, if you’re going for something more feminine and luxurious than ribbons, wax seal stamps, and textured luxurious stickers that only a professional sticker label printer can provide for your products. Honestly, just look at other brands (the aesthetics you align with) and see how they go about it. This is usually your best bet (and it’s far easier than spending money experimenting with this too).

Consider How You’ll Evolve Your Business

Your aesthetic isn’t set in stone. As your business grows and evolves, so can your style. So, you’ll have to stay open to new inspirations and be willing to tweak your aesthetic to better fit your brand’s development and your customers’ preferences. Of course, you’ll also need to make sure any changes feel like a natural progression rather than a complete overhaul to maintain brand consistency.

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