Keep Your At-Home Business Safe With These Cybersecurity Tips

Starting your own business at home seems like an enticing idea, but there are lots of different considerations and concerns to keep in mind that you normally wouldn’t have to think about in a regular workplace.

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Cybersecurity is one of those concerns, and while it’s usually something handled by tech companies and the services you use, it’s important to practice good cybersecurity practices to safeguard your at-home business. After all, you’re the only one responsible for your business!

Securing your Wi-Fi network

One of the first things you need to do is secure your Wi-Fi network in order to protect your data, and also ensure that nobody can mess with your network which could bring down your business operations until a technician fixes it.

Start by changing the password on your network from the default. Change it to something unique that only you know. Next, consider hiding your network SSID, especially if you’re worried about someone trying to attack it, such as a neighbor or any bad actors. The most likely case is that someone tries to use your Wi-Fi network for free, but it’s better to be safe rather than sorry.

Using multi-factor authentication

These days, a password is the bare minimum that you need in order to log in to a service or website. It’s a good cybersecurity practice to use multi-factor authentication whenever possible. This means adding additional layers of verification on top of your password. This can include a code that is automatically generated on your phone, or an additional code that is sent to your email.

That way, you’ll need multiple different codes and passwords to successfully log into your services. The reason for this is to prevent someone from breaking into your account with just your password, which is arguably something that could easily be compromised. More layers means more defense, and a lower chance that someone can access your account for everything from email and banking to cloud services.

Update your software regularly

When starting an online business, you’re probably going to be using a lot of different software to make things easier for yourself. Whether it’s accounting software, programs for administrative tasks, or even just a communication program such as Slack or Discord, you have to keep it updated at all times.

Internet criminals will always be looking for ways to exploit software, and there are times when software will have different kinds of exploits that can be used to gain your personal information or attack your computer. By keeping your software updated, you avoid this possibility.

Educating yourself on phishing

Phishing is a method of social engineering that typically occurs with scam emails and messages. You’ll receive some kind of email from someone claiming to be a person who they’re not, and they’ll try to get private information from you.

Identifying phishing emails and scams can be difficult, but it’s essential for protecting yourself on the internet. Learn what phishing looks like and follow the best practices to avoid being scammed by these people.

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